Beach Cleans and Plastic Upcycling

Global plastic use is on the rise with production now exceeding 300 million tonnes per year since 2014. Large amounts of plastic enters into the environment due to poor waste management and low recycling rates. Due to its durability, and the fact it takes thousands of years to break down, much of this plastic ends up in coastal and marine ecosystems.

Mahi-Mahi has an ongoing beach clean-up project on the sand and shallows of the beach in front of Mahi-Mahi Resort. We gather the litter, sort it into piles and record what type of rubbish was found. This data gives us insight into developing future education and conservation programs.

With the plastic cleaned up from the beach, Mahi-Mahi creates one of kind products in our in-house plastic factory. These products, such as cups are then used around the resort.

There is a basic plastic upcycling factory onsite, consisting of three machines: one to grind the plastic into small pieces, an injection machine that heats plastic and injects it into moulds to create shapes such as a cup and surfboard wax comb, and a plastic oven which heats the plastic to melting point, then compresses it into moulds.