At EcosystemImpact we’re creating a replicable model of what is possible in order to heal our planet.
The Bangkaru and Simeulue Islands of Sumatra Indonesia have global significance for their biodiversity. They offer one of the last refuges and nesting sites for critically endangered sea turtles as well as several of the worlds rarest bird species.
We are on a mission to protect these islands and to share our solutions based model with the world.
Home to some of the world's rarest turtle and bird species, Bangkaru Island remains wild and remote, off the North west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia. EcosystemImpact has a team of rangers that patrol this Island Paradise. Without the rangers, many bird species that call Bangkaru home, could be pushed to extinction. Many of the turtles that lay eggs on the island 365 nights a year, with an estimated 200,000 hatchlings, could be wiped out, by poachers.

What We Do
Bangkaru Ranger Project
Songbird Conservation
Reef Restoration
To keep wild places wild through a sustainability approach where business, people and nature thrive alongside each other.